Send us your feedback on Draft 1 in English, French, Spanish & Arabic by 1 November!
Scouts from Algeria and Mauritania play tug of war during the outdoor activity day

Developing our next strategy

Based on stakeholder input, we developed a first draft of the next Strategy for Scouting, known as “Draft 1”, which outlines the key building blocks of our new strategy. Inspired by Scouting’s mission, it aims to guide the Scout Movement and WOSM over the next decade, defining its aspirations and desired impact as we continue to create a better world.

We are on track to release “Draft 2” in early January 2024, with a final draft expected to be presented for approval at the 43rd World Scout Conference in August 2024.

Our Draft 2 strategy

3 impact statements for the world around us

articulating the change in the world the Scout Movement wants to contribute to over the next decade.

Scouting will work to create a peaceful and inclusive world, eliminating discrimination and ensuring safe and equal opportunities for everyone.

Scouting will work to create a world shaped by youth who are barrier–breakers, bridge–builders, informed decision-makers and responsible active citizens, empowered by core competences and values developed through Scouting.

Scouting will work to build resilient communities by educating and empowering young people to adapt, mitigate and take action on climate change. Scouting will lead by example and advocate for environmental sustainability, climate resilience, and positive impact, locally, and globally.

4 strategic priorities for the Scout Movement

to strengthen the delivery of our educational programme to achieve our impact

Scouting will inspire children and young people and respond to their needs and interests by providing competency-based learning experiences and continuously innovating our educational programmes. 

We will implement these programmes by strengthening the use of the Scout Method through digital and real-world solutions, by embracing the diversity of the Scout Movement and by ensuring that Scouting is accessible, fun, rewarding and engaging.

Scouting’s membership will reflect the diversity of the societies it serves and lead the way to increase and broaden its reach into new communities. 

We will actively remove barriers, reimagine the Scouting programme, increase our reach, engage more diverse volunteers, and reshape our organisations to provide every young person with the opportunity to join Scouting.

Scouting will ensure young people feel free and confident to be themselves by providing a safe environment for adventure where children, young people and adults in Scouting are healthy, protected and supported to grow.

We will adopt a zero tolerance mindset across the Scout Movement, to prevent harmful situations and work to strengthen safeguarding practices and all forms of well-being as essential elements to achieving Scouting’s mission.

Scouting will actively recruit, train, and retain a growing and more diverse group of committed and motivated volunteers to deliver safe quality programmes through fun, meaningful, and rewarding experiences.

We will offer more flexible and accessible opportunities, providing relevant learning experiences for volunteers to develop their skills, to be used and recognised inside and outside of Scouting.

3 strategic priorities for Scout Organizations

to strengthen our NSO, regional and world structures over the next decade.

Good Governance, Financial Sustainability

As fit for purpose organisations we will champion transparent, accountable, efficient and innovative governance structures that reflect the reality, unity and diversity of our membership and a commitment to youth leadership.

We will be financially sustainable, enabling the Scout Movement to expand and serve its growing range of local communities worldwide. Our income sources will be ethical and diversified, built on strong financial management and resource mobilisation strategies with partners and donors.

Impact Measurement & Digital Transformation

As adaptable organisations we will respond to the needs and interests of the young people and communities we serve. We will foster innovation and accelerate digital transformation across all levels of our organisation.

We will make informed decisions that strengthen Scouting’s impact using rich data collection, evidence-based reporting and learning platforms to develop a clear and systematic understanding of our work.

Communications, Partnerships & Advocacy

As influential organisations we will be a united, vocal and relevant actor defined by our values and clearly positioned as safe, impactful, and trusted.

We will be leaders for non-formal education working with a strong network of partners and organisations who share our vision to empower children and young people to take on the world’s greatest challenges.

Developing a new Vision Statement

Exciting developments are on the way! A new vision statement (succeeding Vision 2023) is coming in the fourth quarter of 2023. Until then, you have the opportunity to give feedback on the draft of the next Strategy for Scouting as this will provide the building blocks for the final vision statement. Get a better understand of the thinking behind this latest draft by reading the background information.
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Strategy for Scouting workshop in Germany

More than 60 representatives from 30 National Scout Organizations and WOSM structures gathered in Pforzheim, Germany for a workshop as part of the development of the next Strategy for Scouting. Three days of intense discussions built on extensive research to further evaluate the current and future context of Scouting and identify necessary changes. It also explored how WOSM’s brand refresh and the implementation of the strategy can be strengthened among the network’s 175 Member Organizations.
"I am so grateful for the opportunity to take part in building the next Strategy for Scouting. It was an unforgettable experience and gave me a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities our young people are facing and, in turn, what we are facing as NSO leadership"
Vicki Hawkins
WOSM Operational Framework Volunteer
"The workshop ... will definitely lead to an amazing plan and path for the future of Scouting to reach more and more young people. It fostered collaboration, learning, and networking, leaving me inspired and equipped to contribute even more effectively to the growth and development of our beloved Scouting Movement"
Ram Prasad Bhattarai
Chief Executive Officer, Nepal Scouts

Photos from the workshop